Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Effects of Smoking on Women Health

Hormones and Smoking

Estrogen replacement therapy provides beneficial protection, to post menopausal women against the risk of osteoporosis. But these benefits are many times negated by the increased cardiovascular and other health risks associated with smoking while taking hormones.Women who smoke face a serious increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke when using estrogens. This risk should be discussed with your physician before beginning hormone replacement therapy, if you are a smoker. Your doctor will assist you if you choose to quit smoking.
Osteoporosis and Smoking
Osteoporosis affects most of us if we live long enough. But there are certain things we can do to reduce our risk of osteoporosis such as participating in regular physical activity and making sure we are getting 1000mg to 1500mg of calcium daily. Smoking causes a significant increase in the risk of bone loss and osteoporosis. Women who smoke, one pack of cigarettes a day, often experience a loss of bone density equaling five to ten percent more than nonsmokers by the time they reach menopause. Bone density scanning, to determine the density of your bone structure, is recommended for all women beginning at age 40. Bone density scanning is particularly crucial for women smokers so that changes can be noted and treatment can ensue if osteoporosis is noted. 

Heart Disease and Smoking
Approximately 34,000 deaths in women from ischemic heart disease are attributed to smoking each year. Although most of these deaths are in women past menopause, the risk of smoking-related heart disease is significantly higher in young women smokers. Researchers in Denmark have found a 50 percent greater risk of heart attack in women smokers over men smokers. This difference may be due to the interaction of estrogen with the chemicals found in cigarettes. 

Cervical Cancer and Smoking
All women should have annual GYN exams that include Pap smears and for women who smoke the necessity is even greater. Studies show that smoking may lead to the development of cervical cancer; one study found an 80 percent greater risk of developing cervical cancer in smokers. Cervical cancer patients who quit smoking or who cut down, by at least 75 percent, may have a greater chance of remission and survival than patients who continue smoking.
Some thought is given that chemicals found in cervical tissue which are also found in cigarettes may weaken the ability of cervical cells to fight off infection and may create a potential breeding ground for abnormal cervical cells to multiply. 

Breast Cancer and Smoking
The American Cancer Society published the results of a study in 1994 which indicated that breast cancer patients who smoke may increase their risk of dying at least 25 percent--a risk that increases with the number of cigarettes smokes per day. The possible risk of fatal breast cancer rises up to 75 percent for women who smoke two packs or more per day.The good news is that if you quit now your potential risk of dying as a result of future breast cancer remains the same as for a nonsmoker. 

Vulvar Cancer and Smoking
Another type of cancer which may occur more frequently in smokers is vulvar cancer. Smokers experience a forty percent higher risk of developing this, devastating, type of gynecological cancer.


-Say Goodbye to Smoking-

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Effects of Smoking on Womens Health

Hormones and Smoking

Estrogen replacement therapy provides beneficial protection, to post menopausal women against the risk of osteoporosis. But these benefits are many times negated by the increased cardiovascular and other health risks associated with smoking while taking hormones.Women who smoke face a serious increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke when using estrogens. This risk should be discussed with your physician before beginning hormone replacement therapy, if you are a smoker. Your doctor will assist you if you choose to quit smoking.
Osteoporosis and Smoking
Osteoporosis affects most of us if we live long enough. But there are certain things we can do to reduce our risk of osteoporosis such as participating in regular physical activity and making sure we are getting 1000mg to 1500mg of calcium daily. Smoking causes a significant increase in the risk of bone loss and osteoporosis. Women who smoke, one pack of cigarettes a day, often experience a loss of bone density equaling five to ten percent more than nonsmokers by the time they reach menopause. Bone density scanning, to determine the density of your bone structure, is recommended for all women beginning at age 40. Bone density scanning is particularly crucial for women smokers so that changes can be noted and treatment can ensue if osteoporosis is noted. 

Heart Disease and Smoking
Approximately 34,000 deaths in women from ischemic heart disease are attributed to smoking each year. Although most of these deaths are in women past menopause, the risk of smoking-related heart disease is significantly higher in young women smokers. Researchers in Denmark have found a 50 percent greater risk of heart attack in women smokers over men smokers. This difference may be due to the interaction of estrogen with the chemicals found in cigarettes. 

Cervical Cancer and Smoking
All women should have annual GYN exams that include Pap smears and for women who smoke the necessity is even greater. Studies show that smoking may lead to the development of cervical cancer; one study found an 80 percent greater risk of developing cervical cancer in smokers. Cervical cancer patients who quit smoking or who cut down, by at least 75 percent, may have a greater chance of remission and survival than patients who continue smoking.
Some thought is given that chemicals found in cervical tissue which are also found in cigarettes may weaken the ability of cervical cells to fight off infection and may create a potential breeding ground for abnormal cervical cells to multiply. 

Breast Cancer and Smoking
The American Cancer Society published the results of a study in 1994 which indicated that breast cancer patients who smoke may increase their risk of dying at least 25 percent--a risk that increases with the number of cigarettes smokes per day. The possible risk of fatal breast cancer rises up to 75 percent for women who smoke two packs or more per day.The good news is that if you quit now your potential risk of dying as a result of future breast cancer remains the same as for a nonsmoker. 

Vulvar Cancer and Smoking
Another type of cancer which may occur more frequently in smokers is vulvar cancer. Smokers experience a forty percent higher risk of developing this, devastating, type of gynecological cancer.

-Say Goodbye to Smoking-

Smoking and Ovarian Cancer

It appears that the risk of ovarian cancer may well be greater for women who smoke or have smoked in the past than for those who have never smoked, according to a study that followed more than 100,000 Scandinavian women over the course of a decade.

The participants were between the ages of 30 and 50 when they enrolled in the cohort study that asked them to fill out a questionnaire. Twenty-eight percent of the women enrolled in the study were smokers at the time and answered questions regarding their smoking habit, such as when they started smoking, along with number of years and amount smoked.

Researchers then followed up over the next 10 years by checking national cancer registries to identify those who had developed ovarian cancer.

The results indicated that by the end of 2003:
  • 312 women had either invasive or borderline ovarian cancer
  • Current smokers had a 60 percent greater risk of ovarian cancer than those who had never smoked when they enrolled in the study
  • Former smokers were at a 50 percent increased risk of ovarian cancer than those who never smoked
  • Women who smoked for 25 years or more and were still smoking had twice the risk of developing ovarian cancer as those who never smoked
There are over 4000 chemical compounds present in cigarette smoke, including over 40 that are known to be carcinogenic and 200 that are poisonous. It's not surprising that people face so many health hazards due to smoking cigarettes, with scientists discovering more every day.

If you're still smoking, please stop. Your precious life hangs in the balance. Don't risk your health any longer on an addiction that offers nothing but disease and death.

Quit smoking now!


The American Association for Cancer Research

-Say Goodbye to Smoking-

Smoking Facts and Tobacco Statistics

1) There are 1.1 billion smokers in the world today, and if current trends continue, that number is expected to increase to 1.6 billion by the year 2025.

2) China is home to 300 million smokers who consume approximately 1.7 trillion cigarettes a year, or 3 million cigarettes a minute.

3) Worldwide, approximately 10 million cigarettes are purchased a minute, 15 billion are sold each day, and upwards of 5 trillion are produced and used on an annual basis.

4) Five trillion cigarette filters weigh approximately 2 billion pounds.

5) It's estimated that trillions of filters, filled with toxic chemicals from tobacco smoke, make their way into our environment as discarded waste yearly.

6) While they may look like white cotton, cigarette filters are made of very thin fibers of a plastic called cellulose acetate. A cigarette filter can take between 18 months and 10 years to decompose.

7) A typical manufactured cigarette contains approximately 8 or 9 milligrams of nicotine, while the nicotine content of a cigar is 100 to 200 milligrams, with some as high as 400 milligrams.

8) There is enough nicotine in four or five cigarettes to kill an average adult if ingested whole. Most smokers take in only one or two milligrams of nicotine per cigarette however, with the remainder being burned off.

9) Ambergris, otherwise known as whale vomit is one of the hundreds of possible additives used in manufactured cigarettes.

10) Benzene is a known cause of acute myeloid leukemia, and cigarette smoke is a major source of benzene exposure. Among U.S. smokers, 90 percent of benzene exposures come from cigarettes.

11) Radioactive lead and polonium are both present in low levels in cigarette smoke.

12) Hydrogen cyanide, one of the toxic byproducts present in cigarette smoke, was used as a genocidal chemical agent during World War II.

13) Secondhand smoke contains more than 50 cancer-causing chemical compounds, 11 of which are known to be Group 1 carcinogens.

14) The smoke from a smoldering cigarette often contains higher concentrations of the toxins found in cigarette smoke than exhaled smoke does.

15) Kids are still picking up smoking at the alarming rate of 3,000 a day in the U.S., and 80,000 to 100,000 a day worldwide.

16) Worldwide, one in five teens age 13 to 15 smoke cigarettes.

17) Approximately one quarter of the youth alive in the Western Pacific Region (East Asia and the Pacific) today will die from tobacco use.

18) Half of all long-term smokers will die a tobacco-related death.

19) Every eight seconds, a human life is lost to tobacco use somewhere in the world. That translates to approximately 5 million deaths annually.

20) Tobacco use is expected to claim one billion lives this century unless serious anti-smoking efforts are made on a global level.

Tobacco offers us a life of slavery, a host of chronic, debilitating illnesses and ultimately death. And think about it: We pay big bucks for those "benefits." Sad, but true.

Take your life back!

If you're a smoker wishing you could quit, make your mind up to dig your heels in and do the work necessary to get this monkey off your back now. You'll never regret it.



WHO/WPRO - Smoking Statistics 28 May 2002. World Health Organization.

Cigarette Litter - How Many? Clean Virginia Waterways - Longwood University.

Cigarette Litter - Biodegradable? Clean Virginia Waterways - Longwood University.

The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General 2004. Dept. of Health and Human Resources - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Nicotine - IDLH Documentation 16 August 1996. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Radioactive Cigarettes 02 April 1980. Tobacco Documents Online.

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon Generals 04 Jan 2007. U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services. 
-Say Goodbye to Smoking-

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What are the signs of cigarette addiction?

The signs of addiction to cigarettes include:

  • smoking more than seven cigarettes per day;
  • inhaling deeply and frequently;
  • smoking cigarettes containing nicotine levels more than 0.9mg;
  • smoking within 30 minutes of awakening in the morning;
  • finding it difficult to eliminate the first cigarette in the morning;
  • smoking frequently during the morning;
  • finding it difficult to avoid smoking in smoking-restricted areas; and
  • needing to smoke even if sick and in bed.

-Say Goodbye to Smoking-

Why should someone quit smoking?

Quitting smoking makes a difference right away in the way you feel. You can taste and smell food better. Your breath smells better. Your cough goes away. These benefits happen for men and women of all ages, even those who are older. They happen for healthy people as well as those who already have a disease or condition caused by smoking.

Even more importantly, in the long run, quitting smoking cuts the risk of lung cancer, many other cancers, heart disease, stroke, and other lung or breathing (respiratory) diseases (for example, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema). Moreover, ex-smokers have better health than current smokers. For example, ex-smokers have fewer days of illness, fewer health complaints, and less frequent bouts with chronic bronchitis and pneumonia than current smokers.
Finally, quitting smoking saves money. The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is approximately $4.50 to $5.00 a pack (depending on where you live). A smoker with a pack a day habit spends approximately $31.50 per week ($1,638 per year).
-Say Goodbye to Smoking-


What methods can help a person quit smoking?

Several methods are available to assist those who decide to quit smoking. The main categories of methods are:
  • changing the behavior that is associated with smoking;
  • self-help literature;
  • nicotine replacement therapy; and
  • prescription smoking cessation aids.
Each method actually offers several different options. Moreover, combinations of the methods usually are necessary, and no one combination will work for everyone. In fact, it may be necessary to try several different methods or combinations of methods before success is achieved.

Behavioral modification and self-help literature to quit smoking

Due to the addictive nature of nicotine, some form of behavioral modification is often necessary for successful cessation of smoking. Educational programs,hypnosis, and aversion therapy (learning how to avoid cigarettes) are a few options. Smokers may be counseled to avoid specific triggers or situations that lead to smoking. For example, instead of awakening and grabbing a cigarette at the bedside or smoking immediately after a meal, people may be encouraged to replace the urge to smoke with another activity, such as, taking a walk or reading a book.
Numerous associations and societies, for example, the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, and the American Lung Association, have developed brochures to help smokers quit smoking.

Nicotine replacement therapy to quit smoking

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) became available over the counter in the 1990's. The purpose of nicotine replacement therapy is to substitute another source of nicotine while cigarettes are discontinued. By this means, the habit of smoking is eliminated, even though the addiction to nicotine remains intact. But at the same time, nicotine replacement therapy eliminates the symptoms of withdrawal that can trigger more smoking. In addition, behavioral counseling to change smoking-related behavior usually is necessary. Once cigarettes have been replaced during nicotine replacement therapy, the amount of nicotine is then gradually reduced.
Currently, there are different forms of nicotine replacement therapy available over-the-counter and include:
  • nicotine transdermal systems or patches (Nicoderm CQ and Nicotrol),
  • nicotine polacrilex resin or gum (Nicorette), and
  • nicotine lozenges (Commit).
The nicotine patch (Nicoderm CQ and Nicotrol) contains nicotine that is stored within a specially designed support or matrix. Once applied, the nicotine transdermal system steadily release nicotine that is absorbed across the skin and into the blood stream. The gum contains nicotine that is released slowly upon chewing and "parking". Parking refers to the action of shifting the gum to one side of the cheek after chewing in order to speed the absorption of nicotine. Nicotine lozenges contain nicotine within a hard candy that allows for slow release of nicotine as the candy dissolves in the mouth. A program for slowly weaning users from nicotine replacement products is provided by each product's manufacturer.
The nicotine patch, Nicoderm CQ, is available in three strengths; 21, 14, and 7 mg. People are advised to begin with the 21 mg patch if they smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day or the 14 mg patch if they smoke less than 10 cigarettes per day. After six weeks of wearing the initial patch strength, the next lowest patch strength is worn for two weeks. If therapy was started with the 21 mg patch, an additional two weeks is required for the 7mg patch. A maximum of eight or 10 weeks, depending upon the strength of the first patch used, is recommended for a successful quitting program. The Nicoderm CQ patch can be worn for 16 hours (from awakening until bedtime) or 24 hours if the urge to smoke is great upon awakening.
Nicotrol is available as a 15 mg patch, and should be worn no more than 16 hours per day. Nicotrol may be worn for up to six weeks.
The side effects commonly seen with patches are burning, itching, or redness at the site of the patch, headacheinsomnia, nervousness, dizziness, cough, rash, joint aches, painful menstruation, and changes in taste.
The gum, Nicorette, is available in a variety of flavors in 2 strengths; 4 and 2 mg. Patients are advised to begin with the 4 mg piece of gum if they smoke more than 25 cigarettes per day or the 2 mg piece if they smoke fewer than 7 cigarettes per day. No more than 20 pieces of the 4 mg strength or 30 pieces of the 2 mg strength should be chewed in one day. Initial weaning from treatment should begin after 2 to 3 months and be completed by 4 to 6 months. The most common side effects with Nicorette are aching jaws or soreness of the gums, changes in taste, abdominal (gastrointestinal) discomfort, hiccupsnausea, vomiting, and belching.
Commit nicotine lozenges are available in 2 or 4 mg doses. One dose consists of one lozenge, and no more than 20 doses should be consumed in one day. The manufacturers of Commit recommend choosing the proper dosage based upon when you usually have the first cigarette of your day. According to the manufacturer's instructions, if you smoke within 30 minutes of getting up in the morning, you should use the stronger 4 mg dose. If not, you should use the 2 mg lozenges.
Biting or chewing nicotine lozenges instead of allowing them to dissolve can lead to indigestion or heartburn. You should not eat or drink anything while the lozenge is in your mouth. The lozenges will last for about 20-30 minutes when allowed to dissolve in the mouth. The most commonly reported side effects with nicotine lozenges are indigestion, throat irritation, soreness of the teeth or gums, insomnia, nausea, hiccups, coughing, heartburn, headache, and flatulence.
How effective is nicotine replacement therapy?
Approximately 25% of patients successfully stop smoking with nicotine patch therapy. The success rate with nicotine gum is similar. There have not yet been studies to compare the effectiveness of nicotine lozenges to the patch or gum. The rate of success for nicotine replacement therapy increases 35% to 40% when intensive behavioral counseling is added.
-Say Goodbye to Smoking-


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fakta Mengejutkan Tentang Rokok

Sejauh ini, tembakau berada pada peringkat utama penyebab kematian yang dapat dicegah di dunia. Tembakau menyebabkan satu dari 10 kematian orang dewasa di seluruh dunia, dan mengakibatkan 5,4 juta kematian tahun 2006. Ini berarti rata-rata satu kematian setiap 6,5 detik. Kematian pada tahun 2020 akan mendekati dua kali jumlah kematian saat ini jika kebiasaan konsumsi rokok saat ini terus berlanjut. 
So, please friends mulai sekarang JAUHI hal - hal yang berbau rokok dari lingkungan anda !! 

-Say Goodbye to Smoking-

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cara Menghentikan Kebiasaan Merokok

Bagaimana cara menghentikan kebiasaan merokok yang mudah? Tergantung dari tingkat kecanduan rokoknya tentunya. Untuk yang belum terlalu kecanduan oleh rokok...
Bagaimana cara menghentikan kebiasaan merokok yang mudah? Tergantung dari tingkat kecanduan rokoknya tentunya. Untuk yang belum terlalu kecanduan oleh rokok mungkin tidak terlalu sulit. Buat yang kecanduan berat akan sangat susah menghentikan kebiasaan merokoknya itu. Yang utama adalah motivasi dari diri sang pecandu rokok, dan tidak kalah pentingnya adalah dukungan penuh dari orang-orang di sekitarnya, juga faktor pergaulan sangat berpengaruh di sini.

Berikut ini ada tips / cara menghentikan kebiasaan merokok yang bisa di coba :

  1. Usahakan untuk menghilangkan dan bersihkan semua hal yang bersangkutan dengan “rokok” dari dalam rumah tempat tinggal perokok. Juga minta kepada sesama rekan-rekan perokok tersebut untuk tidak merokok di depan orang yang akan disembuhkan.
  2. Kemungkinan besar pada waktu dekat sekitar 1 sampai 2 minggu  pertama akan timbul perselisihan dengan perokok yang akan di sembuhkan, jadi bersikaplah sabar menghadapinya.
  3. Pujian dan penghargaan yang baik adalah senjata ampuh untuk diberikan kepada perokok ketika dalam waktu 1 sampai 2 minggu berhasil untuk menahan diri tidak menghisap rokok. Ini akan sangat berarti bagi sang perokok, merasa dihargai, serta dorongan mental yang positif dan kuat.
  4. Luangkan waktu, sejenak ataupun banyak sekalipun, untuk mendengarkan semua keluhan dan uneg-uneg yang perokok, kembali sikap sabar dan menghargai berperan besar di sini.
  5. Carilah kesibukan untuk perokok yang positif, misalnya aktifitas fisik seperti olah raga dan lain sebagainya. Pada saat sang perokok sedang merasa tidak tahu harus melakukan apa, permen bisa menjadi pengganti rokok, walaupun di beberapa kasus perokok, permen tidak berhasil. Tapi untuk yang bisa bertahan sampai 2 minggu tidak merokok, permen adalah alternatif yang bagus.
  6. Paling penting adalah selalu berikan dukungan dan keyakinan kepada perokok bahwa ia bisa mengurangi dan menghilangkan kebiasaan merokoknya.
Itu tips / cara menghentikan kebiasaan merokok yang bisa dicoba, bila dilakukan dengan disiplin dan terus menerus, kecanduan rokoknya pasti bisa dikurangi bahkan dihilangkan sama sekali. Selamat mencoba. ( kesehatan )

-Say Goodbye to Smoking-

Kebiasaan Merokok Bisa Menurun ke Anak

Merokok merupakan kebiasaan buruk yang terbilang sulit untuk dihentikan. Sebuah studi terbaru menunjukkan bahwa kebiasaan buruk ini bisa menurun dari orangtua ke anaknya.

Kesimpulan ini berdasarkan studi yang dilakukan peneliti Spanyol yang mengambil data informasi dari British Household Panel Survey 1994-2002 dan telah dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

"Secara statistik didapatkan data yang signifikan bahwa seorang ayah akan menurunkan kebiasaan merokok pada anak laki-lakinya, dan hal yang sama juga terjadi pada kebiasaan merokok ibu yang diturunkan pada anak perempuannya," ujar Loureiro, peneliti dari Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spanyol, seperti dikutip dari Health24, Selasa (1/2/2011).

Namun Loureiro menuturkan jika seorang ibu yang merokok tampaknya tidak berdampak secara signifikan terhadap kemungkinan merokok anak laki-lakinya, begitu juga dengan kebiasaan merokok ayah yang tidak mempengaruhi anak perempuan.

Para ahli menjelaskan data yang ada memberikan informasi rinci mengenai produk yang dikonsumsi dalam rumah tangga termasuk tembakau, sehingga memungkinkan peneliti untuk menganalisis trnasmisi kebiasaan merokok antar generasi.

Dalam studi ini survei dilakukan pada keluarga yang memiliki orangtua lengkap dan juga keluarga dengan orangtua tunggal. Faktor lainya juga turut dipertimbangkan dalam survei ini seperti variabel sosio-ekonomi.

Hasil yang didapatkan kemungkinan seorang anak laki-laki merokok sebesar 24 persen jika kedua orangtuanya merokok, tapi menurun hampir 12 persen jika tidak ada satu pun yang merokok. Sedangkan untuk anak perempuan kemungkinan merokoknya sebesar 23 persen jika kedua orangtuanya merokok, dan menurun 12 persen jika tidak ada satupun yang merokok.

Sedangkan pada orangtua tunggal, ibu yang merokok akan menurunkan kebiasaan ini pada anaknya tanpa memandang jenis kelamin. Kemungkinan untuk anak laki-laki sebesar 32 persen dan anak perempuan sebesar 28 persen.

"Hasil studi ini memiliki kepentingan yang jelas untuk merancang kebijakan dalam memerangi rokok dan mengurangi kebiasaan merokok di kalangan orangtua yang bisa mempengaruhi anak-anaknya," ungkap Loureiro.

-Say Goodbye to Smoking-

Sumber :

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hidup Sehat Tanpa Rokok

1 batang rokok terkandung di dalamnya 4000 zat kimia beracun, dimana 25% meracuni perokok langsung dan 75% sisanya meracuni perokok pasif yakni orang-orang di sekeliling yang berada di lingkungan perokok.
Zat nikotin yang keluar dari asap rokok terbang ke udara, menempel ke permukaan lantai, baju, furniture, sprei, gorden, bantal sampai berbulan-bulan. Zat inilah yang memicu pneumonia, radang paru-paru yang belakangan ini lebih sering terjadi kepada balita dan wanita. Perokok pasif menjadi mudah terserang infeksi bakteri, jamur, dan virus yang gejala awalnya batuk-pilek, yang terparah berdahak kekuningan hingga batuk darah yang akhirnya menjadi pemicu kanker paru-paru.

Emilia candrawinata (24 tahun) terpaksa mengkonsumsi setiap hari 2 butir pil peredam sel kanker yang harganya Rp 2 juta per butir dikarenakan papanya merokok di rumah. Saat divonis kanker stadium awal, papa emil merasa hatinya hancur yang telah tanpa sadar telah meracuni putrinya sendiri yang kini berobat di Taiwan.

Merokok sama saja halnya dengan membakar uang dan meracuni orang-orang di sekitar kita.
Masihkah anda mau meracuni mereka hanya demi kepuasan pribadi??

Ingat guyz, bagi yang tinggal di kota-kota besar, polusi di udara sudah tidak bisa diatasi lagi..
Namun anda bisa mengatasi polusi atau racun yang masuk ke dalam tubuh kalian..

Say Goodbye to Smoking- 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tahukah kamu Perokok Pasif Memiliki Risiko Lebih Besar Dibandingkan Perokok Aktif ?

-Say Goodbye to Smoking-

Perokok pasif mempunyai risiko lebih tinggi untuk menderita kanker paru-paru dan penyakit jantung ishkemia. Sedangkan pada janin, bayi dan anak-anak mempunyai risiko yang lebih besar untuk menderita kejadian berat badan lahir rendah, bronkitis dan pneumonia, infeksi rongga telinga dan asma.

Demikian penegasan Menkes Dr. Achmad Sujudi pada puncak peringatan Hari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia dengan tema “Kemiskinan dan Merokok Sebuah Lingkaran Setan” sekaligus meluncurkan buku Fakta Tembakau Indonesia Data Emperis Untuk Strategi Nasional Penanggulangan Masalah Tembakau tanggal 31 Mei 2004 di Kantor Depkes Jakarta.

Menurut Menkes, kemiskinan dan merokok terutama bagi penduduk miskin merupakan dua hal yang saling berhubungan dan mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Seseorang yang membakar rokok tiap hari berarti telah kehilangan kesempatan untuk membelikan susu atau makanan lain yang bergizi bagi anak dan keluarganya. Akibat dari itu anaknya tidak dapat tumbuh dengan baik dan kecerdasanya juga tidak cukup berkembang, sehingga kapasitasnya untuk hidup lebih baik di usia dewasa menjadi sangat terbatas. Selain itu, kemungkinan besar sang ayah juga meninggal oleh karena penyakit yang berhubungan dengan kebiasaan merokok. Demikian seterusnya, sehingga merokok dan kemiskinan merupakan sebuah lingkaran setan.
Udara cemar yang dihirup oleh para perokok pasif menimbulkan kumatnya penderita asma dan gejala-gejala lain yang membahayakan bagi para penderita alergi lainnya. Disamping itu juga dapat membahayakan fungsi jantung bagi yang menderita jantung koroner. Mereka dilanda konsentrasi asap yang sangat membahayakan; terutama karena mengandung kadar karbon monoksida yang melebihi kadar yang dianggap aman bagi kesehatan. Mereka secara tidak langsung juga ikut menghirup asap rokok yang dinikmati oleh orang lain. Penelitian menemukan bahwa telah ditemukan kadar nikotin yang dapat diukur dalam darah dan urine para perokok pasif, tragis! Karbon monoksida mampu merembes melalui dinding alveoli ke dalam darah. Lebih mudah dari oksigen yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh.

Keberadaan karbon monoksida dalam darah mencegah darah untuk menyerap jumlah oksigen yang normal dibutuhkan. Dengan demikian orang harus bernafas lebih cepat dan jantung harus memompa lebih kuat untuk mendapatkan oksigen yang diperlukan. Artinya peristiwa ini akan meningkatkan tekanan dan memberikan beban yang lebih berat pada jantung.

Beberapa penyelidikan membuktikan bahwa anak-anak yang orang tuanya merokok lebih mudah menderita penyakit pernafasan daripada anak-anak yang orang tuanya tidak merokok. Orang tua yang menderita penyakit infeksi pernafasan, anaknya dua kali lebih banyak menderita bronkitis dan pneumonia pada umur dibawah satu tahun. Anak-anak dari ibu yang merokok tidak saja mengalami risiko pada masa sebelum dilahirkan, tetapi selama berumur kurang dari satu tahun juga dalam risiko yang lebih besar untuk menderita penyakit serius. Meningkatnya kalangan perokok pada wanita, memperlihatkan intensitas kanker paru di kalangan wanita makin meningkat. Lebih memprihatinkan lagi merokok pada waktu hamil berpengaruh buruk pada janin dan bayi yang dilahirkan dan dapat menyebabkan kelahiran dini - prematur.

Monday, May 9, 2011

600.000 Perokok Pasif Tewas Tiap Tahun — Seseorang yang tidak merokok, tetapi berada di sekitar orang yang merokok dan mengisap asap rokok, atau disebut juga perokok pasif, akan ikut terkena dampak dari bahaya rokok. Menurut data, lebih dari 600.000  perokok pasif tiap tahunnya meninggal

    Dalam sebuah penelitian pertama yang melihat dampak kesehatan perokok pasif, para peneliti menemukan 40 persen anak-anak dan lebih dari 30 persen pria bukan perokok setiap harinya ikut menghirup asap rokok yang berasal dari rokok perokok aktif
   Data yang dikumpulkan, dari 192 negara itu menemukan bahwa tiap tahunnya 379.000 orang meninggal akibat penyakit jantung, 165.000 akibat penyakit pernapasan, 36.900 akibat asma, dan 21.400 meninggal akibat kanker paru. Apabila diakumulasi, angka tersebut mencapai 1 persen dari penyebab kematian secara global. 
    "Data tersebut membantu kita memahami dampak nyata dari tembakau. Kombinasi antara penyakit infeksi dan menjadi perokok pasif bisa berakibat mematikan," kata Armando Peruga, program manajer dari WHO Tobacco-Free Initiative yang melakukan penelitian ini. 
   Ia menjelaskan, WHO menaruh perhatian terhadap angka kematian pada anak-anak akibat infeksi pernapasan sebagai dampak dari asap rokok yang tiap tahunnya mencapai 165.000 korban tewas, terutama di Asia Tenggara dan Afrika.
    Data WHO menyebutkan, negara yang penduduknya paling banyak terpapar asap rokok adalah Eropa dan Asia. Sementara itu, jumlah terendah ada di Amerika, Mediterania timur, dan Afrika.
   Perempuan yang sering terpapar asap rokok menderita kerugian yang paling besar dengan jumlah kematian 281.000. Di banyak negara, 50 persen perempuan menjadi perokok pasif.


Friday, May 6, 2011

-Say Goodbye to Smoking-


1. Karbon Monoksida (CO)
 Gas CO yang hasilkan sebatang rokok dapat mencapai 3-6%. Gas ini dapat mengikat hemoglobin yang terdapat dalam darah, sehingga sel darah akan kekurangan oksigen. Zat ini dapat menyebabkan terjadinya proses penyempitan darah di otak, jantung, paru, ginjal, kaki, saluran peranakan, dan di ari-ari pada wanita hamil

2. Nikotin
Nikotin terkandung di dalam asap rokok antara 0.5-3 mg dan semuanya diserap oleh tubuh sehingga akan merekat dalam cairan darah atau plasma. Perokok akan merasakan kenikmatan, kecemasan berkurang, toleransi dan keterikatan fisik sehingga perokok susah menghentikan kebiasan merokoknya. Efek nikotin dapat menyebabkan perangasangan pada hormon ardernalin yang bersifat memacu jantung dan tekanan darah yang mengakibatkan hipertensi, merangsang kelompoknya trombosit ( sel pembekuan darah), dan trombosit akan menggumpal dan akhirnya menyumbat pembuluh darah.

3. Tar-Tar
Kadar tar pada rokok terdapat 0,5-35 mg/batang dan dapat menimbulkan kanker pada jalan nafas dan paru-paru.

4. Kadmium
Zat yang dapat meracuni tubuh terutama ginjal.

5. Akrolein
Ini adalah alkohol yang cariannya sangat mengganggu kesehatan.

6. Amoniak
Zat ini jika masuk dalam peredaran darah akan mengakibatkan seseorang pingsan atau koma.

7. Asam Format
Zat iini dapat menyebabkan seseorang seperti merasa digigit semut.

8. Hidrogen Sianida
Zat ini merupakan zat yang paling ringan, mudah terbakar dan sangat efisien untuk menghalangi pernapasan dan merusak saluran pernapasan. Zat ini mengandung racun yang berbahaya, sedikit saja sianinda yang masuk kedalam tubuh akan mengakibatkan kematian.

9. Nitrous Oxid
Ini adalah zat yang pada mulanya dapat digunakan sebagai pembius waktu operasi bedah/

10. Formaldehid
Gas ini tergolong sebagai pengawet dan pembasmi hama.

11. Fenol
Zat ini zat beracun dan membahayakan karena fenol ini terikat ke protein dan menghalangi aktivitas enzim.

12. Asetol
Hasil pemanasan aldehid (sejenis zat yang tidak berwarna yang bebas bergerak) dan mudah menguap dengan alkohol.

13. Hidrogen Sulfide
Zat ini menghalangi oksidasi enzim (zat besi yang berisi pigmen)

14. Piridin
Zat ini mengubah sifat alkohol sebagai pelarut dan pembunuh hama.

15. Metil Klorida
Zat ini adalah senyawa organik yang beracun.

16. Metanol
Meminum atau menghisap methanol akan mengakibatkan kebutaan bahkan kematian.
